Overview of Registry Rootkeys

This table gives an overview of all common registry rootkeys. Some rootkeys are not absolute rootkeys but are symbolic links to subkeys of one of the two main rootkeys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_USERS. This explains why only these two registry rootkeys get searched when using the search functionality in Registrar to perform a global search on the entire registry.

Rootkey Abbreviation Type Points to
HKEY_USERS HKU absolute -
HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKCU symbolic link a subkey of HKEY_USERS containing user profile
HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKCC symbolic link HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\IDConfigDB\Hardware
HKEY_DYN_DATA HKDD virtual rootkey Virtual registry rootkey

Online Help Topics


· Introduction

· Product Description and Features

· What's new

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· FAQ and Tips

About the Registry

· About the Windows registry

· Registry Root Keys

· Registry Path Syntax

· About Windows 64-bit editions

Editing the Registry

· Browsing the Registry

· Editing Registry Keys

· Registry Key Properties

· Editing Registry Values

· Data Editor

· Include and Exclude Filters

Registry Tools

· Advanced Search Tool

· Bookmark Manager

· Undoing Registry Changes

· Registry Backup and Restore

· Registry Monitor

· Registry Defragmentation Tool

· Advanced Registry Compare Tool

· File Reference Editor

· CLSID Lookup Utility

· Hidden Registry Keys

Registry Security

· Registry Key Permissions

· Registry Key Auditing

· Registry Key Ownership

Registry Files

· Registry File Formats

· Importing and Exporting Registry Files

· Editing Registry Files

Remote Registry Editing

· Remote Registry Editing

Advanced Options

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· Shell Options

· Remote Registry Options

· Registry Monitor Options

· Bookmark Options

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· Commandline Options for rr.exe/rr64.exe

· Registry Shortcuts

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