· Introduction

· Supported OS

· Professional Edition

· What's new ?


· Screen Shots

· Documentation & Articles

· Download Home Edition

· Buy Professional Edition

Upgrade Policy

WhoCrashed v7 Professional is available to anyone who has purchased WhoCrashed v6.50 or later or Resplendence Power Pack v19 or later.
If you have purchased a previous version of WhoCrashed you can upgrade to v6 for EUR 16.95/USD 19.95 only.
You should login to make use of this offer.

Click here to login to upgrade to WhoCrashed 7

WhoCrashed documentation and articles

· Introduction

· Supported Operating Systems

· Professional Edition

· What's new in v7 ?

· Upgrade Policy


· Using WhoCrashed

· General Recommendations and Tips

· Unexpected Resets and Shutdowns

· Enabling Crash Dumps

· If Crash Dumps are not written out

· Thermal Issues

· Memory Corruption

· Symbol Resolution

· Using Driver Verifier

· Remote System Configuration

· Crash Dump Test

· Tools

· Advanced Options

· Command-line Options

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Page generated on 7/27/2024 12:57:35 PM. Last updated on 2/25/2022 12:11:18 PM.