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The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 9.20 since version 9.01

Regular Expression searches restored

Using the previous release of the program, it wasn't possible to perform regular expression searches using the advanced registry search tool. This functionality has been restored.

Improved registry data editor

Text in the registry data editor could look garbled. This has been fixed and the registry data editor has been improved.

Improved registry key properties

Text in the registry key properties dialog could look garbled. This has been fixed.

Registry tree views required double-click

On certain systems, registry tree views required a double-click for keys to expand. Now, a single click is sufficient to expand a registry key.

When restoring previous session, main application toolbar could be invisible

When starting the program and a previous session was restored, in some cases the main application toolbar could be invisible. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: entering a wrong address could cause an access violation

When entering a wrong registry address in the address bar, the program could terminate with an access violation. This has been fixed.

Improved visibility of process selector in registry monitor

Visibility has been improved of the process selector which allows you to include or exclude certain processes using the registry monitoring tool.

Help -> About did not display edition of the program

When selecting Help->About, the about box would not display whether you were running a home edition or professional edition of the software. This has been fixed.

Tab orders fixed

When using the TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys to navigate through fields, tab orders could be in an order that was not logical. This has been fixed.

Version information in Add/Remove Programs was missing

Using the Windows Add/Remove Programs dialog that shows installed programs on your system, no version information of Registrar Registry Manager was displayed. This has been fixed.

Minor changes and corrections

Several visibility improvements, minor changes and corrections have been applied to the software which are not specified here.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 9.01 since version 9.00

Registry Defragmentation Tool removed

A few customers have reported problems booting their systems after they used the registry defragmentation tool. Although nothing has changed to this code for over a decade and we are not able to reproduce the problem, we have decided to remove the defragmentation tool until further notice.

Bug fixed: CLSID lookup utility scrolling

Sorting the CLSID lookup utility on a column and then scrolling the contents caused an "list index out of bounds" error to occur. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: CLSID lookup utility Jump To did not work

Finding a selected CLSID in the registry by using the Jump To function of the CLSID lookup utility did not work. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: after changing the windows interface layout, license information was requested again

Changing the windows interface layout requires you to restart the software. The next time Registrar would start, it would ask for license information again. This has been fixed.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 9.00 since the previous version

New: Offline Registry Editing Wizard

The offline registry editing wizard allows you to easily open a registry for editing on a remote drive. In case you have a broken registry configuration that will not boot and it's available on a remote drive, you can use the Offline Registry Editing Wizard to automatically open the right file for editing.

New: Visual User Interface Themes

This version of Registrar allows you to change the visual theme of the user interface. Five different themes are provided, each offering a different look and feel of the application.

Configurable toolbar sizes

To accomodate high resolution displays, Registrar now allows you to choose between small, medium and large toolbar sizes.

Updated icons, fonts and user interface elements

Registrar has been refreshed with new toolbar icons, default fonts and several user interface elements.

Bug fixed: File Reference Editor could appear only on right part of screen

A bug has been fixed that caused the File Reference Editor to display improperly.

Registry key rename by double-clicking disabled

The option to inline edit registry key names by double clicking an item in the registry editing tree has been disabled. The behavior has been changed to avoid unwanted accidental editing. To rename a registry key, the Rename button or a menu item should be used.

Minor changes and corrections

Several minor changes and corrections have been applied to the software which are not specified here.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 8.60 since last version

Support for Windows XP and Vista restored

Support for Windows XP and Windows Vista broke with the previous release. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: pressing Ctrl-A inside text box of the advanced search tool could cause an error

Pressing Ctrl-A inside a text box of the advanced search tool to select all text could cause an access violation error to occur. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: using the include and exclude panels could cause an error

Using the include and exclude panels available on most tool and editing windows could cause a 'list index out of bounds' error to occur. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: leaving an include or exclude panel would cause it to get reset

The include and exclude panels were not much usuable as their contents would become cleared if the focus would move somewhere else. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: exclude panel could appear on top

The exclude panel available on most tool and editing windows could appear above the include panel. This has been fixed so that the include panel is always on top.

Bug fixed: images on several menus were missing

The images that accompany main menus and popup menus were missing at several places. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: font names did not get saved and restored

While Registrar would save and restore font styles and sizes, it would not restore font names. This has been fixed.

Minimum and maximum font sizes introduced

When changing the fonts in menus or registry views, font sizes must be between a minimum and maximum size so that text does not become unreadable.

Text and graphical adjustments

Adjustment of text and graphical elements has been applied to improve the visibility of the interface.

Minor changes and corrections

Several minor changes and corrections have been applied to the software which are not specified here.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 8.51 since last version

Bug fixed: icons on several toolbars were not visible

Icons on the undo toolbar and the advanced compare toolbar were not visible. This has been fixed.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 8.50 since previous version 8.04

Bug fixed: deleting or copying a registry key could cause an error

Because of a bug in our runtime routines, when deleting or copying a registry key, an error message could be displayed and the program would terminate. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: exporting a registry value of type REG_MULTI_SZ

Because of a bug, when exporting a registry value of type REG_MULTI_SZ in RegEdit5 format, the name of the value could be truncated. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: column widths on tool windows were not properly restored if they were docked

Tool windows such as the advanced search tool would not properly restore the column widths in views in case the tool window was docked. This has been fixed.

New option: change fonts of other text and menu items

Registrar now allows you to alter fonts on menu and other text items. Previously it was only possible to change fonts in registry views.

Larger default fonts

The default fonts used in registry views and several other places has been enlarged.

No incomplete windows displayed while application is starting up

When starting up the software, no windows are displayed until they are complete and ready to be presented.

In advanced options, Views and Visuals were mislabeled

In the advanced options dialog, the text labels of Views and Visuals were interchanged. This has been fixed.

Unspecified updates and changes

Certain changes have been applied to the software which are not being specified.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 8.04 since previous version 8.03

Option added: restore remote sessions at startup

When restoring previous sessions at startup, restoring a session on a remote machine is often undesired because the remote system may be offline or it may take significant time to connect. This could make the program appear to hang at startup. Remote sessions are only restored if requested (off by default).

Unspecified updates and changes

Certain changes have been applied to the software which are not being specified.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 8.03 since previous version 8.02

Bug fixed: Registry Key Properties not displayed properly

The registry key properties window was not displayed properly on certain systems. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: Registry Defragmentation Tool not displayed properly

The registry defragmentation tool was not displayed properly on certain systems. This has been fixed.

Button to reset default options added to advanced setings

The advanced settings window now has a button that allows you to reset to the default settings of Registrar. The command line option /reset to restore settings is still functional.

Reverting layout would not work

When changing the user interface layout from Tabbed to Classic and then back to Tabbed, the user interface would remain Classic unless the default settings of Registrar would be restored. This problem has been fixed.

Advanced Search Tool could appear crippled

The option panels of the Advanced Search Tool could appear crippled in rare cases. This problem has been fixed.

Unspecified updates and changes

Some changes have been applied to the software which are not being specified.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 8.02 since previous version 8.01

Option added to disable high DPI awareness, support for high DPI settings

The software does not scale well on screens with high DPI settings. To remedy this, we added an option to disable high DPI awareness of the application so that the user interface will appear using DPI virtualization. Disabling this option makes the program more usable and readable on ultra high resolution screens with high DPI settings.

Bugs fixed related to registry export function

Using the export functionality caused the program to consume a lot of memory which was never released. As a result, the export function could crash, the export file would not get created and the program could become unusable thereafter. These problems have been fixed.

Include and Exclude Filters were not displayed consistently

The include and exclude filters would not always appear on every registry editing or tool window. Now they are being displayed consistently.

Several minor updates and improvements

Several minor updates and improvements have been applied to the software which are not being specified.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 8.01 since previous version 8.00

Bug fixed: Registry Monitor Filter was not functional

The process filter in the registry monitor was not functional in v8. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: Registry Monitor not displaying System process

The registry filter left the process name blank in case actions were performed by the System process, this has been corrected

Bug fixed: exporting to registry files

When exporting a large hive to a registry file in unicode format, in certain cases the program could crash without producing the registry file. This bug has been fixed.

Improved error reporting

Registrar comes with improved error reporting in case any problem with the software is encountered.

Several minor improvements and corrections

Several minor improvements and corrections have been applied to the software which are not specified here.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 8.00 since the previous version

Support for Windows 10

Windows 10 is now supported. Previous version of Registrar would run on Windows 10 but there would be some visible artifacts.

New visual interface with single tabbed window

When using Registrar in tabbed mode, all tool windows and views are now integrated into a single window without a separate main application toolbar. We have added these changes because of demand by customers. For those who do not like a tabbed window interface, a classic interface is still available.

New: option to move and reorder tabbed tool windows and registry views

When using the tabbed window interface, now there is the option to move and reorder tabs as you desire.

New: advanced search tool now comes with option to search on last key write time

The advanced search tool now offers an extra filter that allows you to specify a time range that should match the last write time of a registry key. You can use this feature for instance to search all recent changes to the registry.

Bug fixed: registry monitor could cause instability

When using the registry monitor, messages could appears such as "insufficient resources". This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: registry monitor would not display sizes and types for registry values

The registry monitor did not display sizes and types of registry values. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: using include and exclude filters in registry views could cause error messages to appear

When filtering data in any registry view using the include and exclude filters, error messages could appear. This problem has been fixed for all registry and tool windows that offer include and exclude filters.

Documentation has been moved online

The documentation for Registrar has been moved online, a help file is no longer included. The documentation for the command-line version of Registrar (rrc.exe) is still included as a help file.

Faster startup, restoring of previous sessions and exiting

Previous versions of Registrar could be a bit slow to startup if they had to restore previous sessions. We have done our best to speed up the process of starting and exiting the program.

Numerous visual improvements and reduced flicker

Several visual improvements have been applied to the user interface and flicker has been removed or reduced when resizing any of the windows.

Several small corrections and fixes

Several unmentioned improvements and fixes have applied to the software.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7.75 since the previous version

Bug fixed: access denied when editing permissions on certain registry keys

When selecting Permissions from the key properties window, an access denied message could appear on certain keys. This was due to a missing manifest in the rrsec2k.exe application.

Bug fixed: access rights listed multiple times

Registry key permissions listed in the key properties window could have the same access rights displayed multiple times for the same user or SID. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: font settings in registry monitor tool

When changing fonts in registry views, the settings would not be applied to the registry monitor tool. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: select registry key window

The select registry key window that is accessible from the advanvced search tool would display a non-existing rootkey on certain systems.

Bug fixed double-clicking on bookmarks in bookmark editor

When double-clicking on a bookmark in the bookmark editor, an error message could appear and the cursor would remain in an hourglass state. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: when running with /reset parameter, settings would not be saved

When running Registrar with the /reset parameter to reset its configuration, no settings would be saved after the session. This has been fixed.

Documentation corrections

Some corrections have been applied to the documentation.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7.70 since the previous version

Option to display registry windows as tabs has been removed

The option to have registry tool and editing windows displayed as tabs has been removed.

Bug fixed: 'cannot drag a form'

If the option to have registry and tool windows displayed as tabs were enabled, the software could display an error message 'cannot drag a form'. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: when jumping to a registry key or value the software could show an error message

Under certain circumstances, when jumping to a registry key or value from any of the tool windows such as the advanced search tool, the program could crash or display an error message such as 'stack overflow'. This has been fixed.

Collapsible panels in the advanced search tool sometimes did not have enough space

Space has been increased for some of the collapsible panels on the left side of the advanced search tool.

Cosmetic changes

Some cosmetic changes have been applied to make the software look better.

Documentation update

Option to display 32-bit registry contents when running on a 64-bit version of Windows is only available when running the 32-bit edition of Registrar. The documenatation has been updated to reflect this.

Minor fixes and corrections

Unspecified minor fixes and corrections have been applied to the software.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7.60 since the previous version

Support for Windows 8.1

The new version supports Windows 8.1

Minor fixes and corrections

Minor fixes and corrections have been made including bugfixes to some of our runtime routines.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7.53 since the previous version

Bug fixed regarding importing registry files and opening registry files for editing

When importing an old REGEDIT4 format registry file that would contain REG_EXPAND_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ values, those values would get corrupted because of a UNICODE/ANSI mismatch. This has been fixed.

Default option of obtaining CLSID information at startup has been set to disabled

The default option to read CLSID information at startup has been disabled. This could cause a long startup time in case software was installed on slow or unavailable media.

Unspecified changes and minor fixes

Some minor fixes and unspecified changes have been applied to the software.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7.52 since the previous version

Last write time stamps were reported for registry values

Last write time fields were mistakenly reported for registry values. This has been corrected by leaving the fields left blank.

Clipboard menus on text fields restored

CLipboard popup menus and shortcuts have been restored on text fields. Right-clicking on text fields would popup a menu of an ancestor component rather than provide the user with a menu with clipboard options. This has been fixed.

Signature on registry file monitor updated

Users have complained that they were unable to start the registry monitor due to an error message regarding the digital signature on the file that provides registry monitoring functionality. The signature has been updated which fixes the problem.

In bookmark editor, click Search now activates the include filter panel

Click on Search in the bookmark editor would not produce any effect. This has been fixed.

Minor corrections and changes

Some minor changes and fixes have been applied to the software.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7.51 since the previous version

Bug fixed: the bookmark editor could display a "list index out of bounds" error

When sorting on columns using the bookmark editor and then selecting another bookmark category on the left pane, an error message would popup displaying a "list index out of bounds" error. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: in an intermediary release, registry rootkeys were not displayed when selecting the registry root

In an inermediary release, a bug had slipped in that caused registry rootkeys not to be displayed in registry views. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: RRC.EXE: selecting A to select all could be ignored

When running the command line edition of Registrar, in case the program would prompt for a Yes/No/All/Quit, the All option was sometimes ignored, this has been fixed.

Bug fixed: RRC.EXE: search function with /replace option would not rename all matching values

When using RRC to search and replace on a registry key, it would replace only a part of the matching value names. That means some value names were left in their original state.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7.50 since the previous version

Support for Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server

Registrar now supports Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server (both 32-bit and x64 editions).

Bug fixed: when multiple items were selected in a Search view, only the top items would be processed

If multiple items were selected from the matches in the search tool and an action was performed on all selected items, only the visible items were processed.

Bug fixed: problem with editing .REG files

A problem related to editing registry files with a .reg extension has been fixed.

Bug fixed: program could terminate with a runtime error

Registrar could unexpectedly terminate with a runtime error message. This has been fixed.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7.03 since the previous version

Faster closing, docking and undocking registry editing windows

When closing, docking or undocking a registry editing window with a lot of registry items listed in the tree, it could take a long time. This made it appear as if the application was locked up. Version 7.03 offers significantly faster closing, docking and undocking of registry editing windows. Some related problems have been fixed.

Out of memory warning message added

When the memory that is available to Registrar becomes low, the software now displays a warning message in advance. This could happen for instance while performing an entire search on the whole registry (with an empty string) and leaving the registry monitor running for a while. Even though a system may be equipped with significantly more memory, for the 32-bit edition of Registrar there will only be a maximum of 2GB of virtual memory available.

Date/time sorting on main registry editing windows problem fixed

The date/time displayed on main registry editing windows would get sorted in the wrong manner (alphabetically) when the column header was clicked. This problem has been fixed.

Date/time sometimes displayed as UTC instead of local time

The last write time for registry keys on certain registry views were displayed in UTC standard time instead of displayed adjusted to local time.

Select registry key dialog would allow inline editing

The Select registry key dialog displayed when browsing for a registry key allowed inline editing. This has been fixed.

Unspecified changes

Other minor bug fixes and changes have been made in this release.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7.02 since the previous version.

New export features

All registry views in Registrar are now equipped to export items in either .reg format or as a text database. In previous versions, some of the export buttons on some views were not functional or greyed out.

Bug fixed: export buttons not functional

Some of the export buttons on some views were not functional or greyed out. These have been fixed.

Bug fixed: registry editing windows did not maintain their settings between sessions

Registry editing windows did not maintain their settings between sessions. This bug has slipped into an intermediary release and has been fixed.

Bug fixed: security buttons on registry key property tool were functional even in read-only mode

The security buttons for permissions and auditing in the registry key property tool were functional even if read-only mode was enabled. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: string corruption in registry replace function in registry search tool

The registry search tool had a bug if a registry string was replaced. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: loading of registry hives was not functional

The functionality to temporarily load registry hives into memory was not functional. This has been fixed.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager 7 since the previous version 6.52

New: separate 32-bit and 64-bit editions

The professional edition of Registrar Registry Manager now comes in two editions, a 32-bit and a 64-bit edition. On x64 versions of Windows, the 64-bit edition of Registrar offers significant performance improvements and other advantages.

New feature: tabbed interface

The new docking interface allows you to manage registry editing and tool windows in tabs. This feature is optional and can be switched off.

New feature: inclusion and exclusion filters on all registry views

Inclusion and exclusion filters allow you to quickly filter views on your criteria in a non-destructive manner. This feature is optional and can be switched off (professional edition only).

New feature: improved screen layout

Version 7 offers an improved screen layout with several options. Registry editing and tool windows are arranged with respect to the main application window

Bookmark search has been integrated

The registry bookmark search functionality has been replaced with include and exclude filters in the bookmarks view.

Progress dialogs

At every lengthy operation Registrar now displays a progress view displaying what it is doing

Registry backup stay on top button

The registry backup tool has been equipped with a stay on top button like all other tool windows.

Bug fixed: registry search could hang

A registry search operation could hang on previous versions of Registrar

Bug fixed: editing permissions on a remote machine could cause a crash

Editing registry permissions on a remote registry key could sometimes cause the software to crash. This has been fixed.

Bug fixed: RRC.EXE SetPermissions command would crash

The SetPermissions command of RRC could sometimes cause the software to crash. This has been fixed.

Performance improvements

Version 7 comes with a long list of performance improvements and optimizations. Reopening last accessed windows at startup is much faster.

Less flicker

Cursor and window flicker has been reduced.

Several other improvements

Registrar 7 comes with several other improvements which are not specified in detail.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager since the previous version

Manifest updated for runtime themes and privileges

Registrar would run with runtime themes disabled on some systems and the program is now automatically run with highest privileges available.

Removed check for HtmlHelp

No longer is checked for the presence of HtmlHelp when run the first time.

Updated license agreement

The license agreement has been updated and reflects easier terms.

Updated help and FAQ

Help and FAQ have been updated.

The following changes were made to Registrar Registry Manager since the previous version

Support for Windows 7

Registrar Registry Manager now supports all versions of Windows 7.

Registry Monitor read, write, successful and failed operations are functional again

Previous version of Registrar would ignore these options, they are now functional again.

Regular expression search bugs fixed

Bugs in the regular expression option in the registry search tool could make this function useless. Problems have been fixed.

Selecting registry and tool windows causes them to get restored automatically

It is no longer required to manually restore registry or tool windows which are in the minimized state when they get selected.

Registrar Registry Manager documentation and articles

· Introduction

· Supported Windows versions

· What's new in v8

· Overview of features

· Testimonals


· Screenshots

· Online Documentation

· Feature comparison chart

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Page generated on 10/22/2024 9:08:30 PM. Last updated on 8/16/2021 7:43:47 PM.