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What's new ?

The following changes were made to SanityCheck 3.51 since previous version 3.50

False positives removed

Some false positives were removed. These were software components that belong to the operating system which caused false flags to be raised.

Minor updates and changes

Some unspecified minor updates and changes were applied to the software.

The following changes were made to SanityCheck 3.50 since previous version

Support for Windows 10

Version 3.50 supports both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows 10.

False positives removed

Some messages regarding irregularities in trusted modules are removed because they could alarm users.

Option to restore registry setting added to main menu

The option to restore the GlobalFlags registry setting to its original value been added to the main menu. Note that this registry setting is required for SanityCheck to run properly.

The following changes were made to SanityCheck 3.00 since previous version

Support for Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server

Version 3 supports both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server.

HIdden file detection

SanityCheck has been equipped with features to detect hidden files.

Minor bug fixes

Some unspecified bug fixes have been made.

False positives removed

Some suspected behavior by certain applications and the operating system is no longer included in the report.

The following changes were made to SanityCheck 2.02 since previous version 2.01

Minifilter altitude changed

The minifilter component that SanityCheck makes use of was installed at an altitude that was conflicting with other products. We have updated the altitude to the level that has been recently issued to us by Microsoft.

Amount of installed RAM was misreported

SanityCheck would misreport the amount of installed physical memory if more than 4GB of RAM was installed. This has been fixed.

Minor bug fixes

Some minor unspecified bug fixes were made.

The following changes were made to SanityCheck 2.00 since version 1.02.

Support for Windows 7, Windows 2008 Server SP2 and Vista SP2

SanityCheck now runs on all versions of Windows 7 and supports the latest service packs of Windows Vista and Windows 2008 Server.

Important bug fixes

There were bugs in SanityCheck which could cause a system to crash with a blue screen. These have been fixed.

More thorough checking and less false positives

SanityCheck does more thorough checking of abnormalities in the system and reports less false positives.

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